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Univax Day

UniVAX DAY is an educational event dedicated to the students of Secondary Schools and focused on vaccines. This event, now in its 7th edition, will be held simultaneously in about 20 Italian Universities with the patronage of SIICA. Born as a face-to-face event, the COVID-19 pandemic situation forced UniVAXDAY to be moved live-online, allowing in 2021 the participation of more than 40.000 students.
The event has the same time table and program in each venue, with a fist part illustrating the functioning of the immune system and how the latter respond to a vaccination. A second part describes the history of vaccination from the very first attempts to the latest methodological approaches even used against SARS-CoV2. Finally, the event faces the most common and widespread fake news about vaccines and ends with a question time aimed at answering all the questions coming from the audience.


On February 7th, we celebrated the Univax Day 2024. Around 4000 students participated in person from 15 Italian Universities, while more than 7000 attended online from 250 schools in the whole Country. 

The program included: 

  • a lesson on the general features of immune response
  • a lesson on how vaccines work
  • a speech from clinicians or patients highlighting the importance of vaccines in fragile people
  • a round table with time for questions

The event organized at University of Trieste was broadcasted and is available on our Youtube page:

During Univax Day, the students also participated to the Progetto Metafora, a study lead by the team of Prof. Pier Luigi Lopalco, aimed at determining which are the most effective metaphors of immunity for students of this age.

See below the pictures from some of the participating Universities!


More than 4 000 students from ten Italian Universities have participated in the event. After two lessons regarding the functioning and the immune system and how vaccines work, all the students throughout Italy could listen to the lecture given by:

Prof. Guido Poli from Milan, entitled:

“The new frontiers of vaccines: successes and open challenges, from sexually transmitted diseases to Covid19”

Here below the pictures from some of the participating Universities!


Univax Day 2022

Live streaming from Verona


Univax Day 2021


Interviste Univax Day 2019

  • Angela Santoni, Presidente SIICA: Cos’è l’Univax Day (link al video)
  • Rita Carsetti : Come funziona un vaccino (link al video)
  • Isabella Quinti: chiarezza sulla pericolosità dei vaccini, anche in individui immunodepressi (link al video)
  • Francesco Liotta: sulle controindicazioni all’utilizzo dei vaccini (link al video)
  • Marzia Duse: sulla somministrazione di più vaccini contemporaneamente (link al video)
  • Anna Teresa Palamara: sui rischi della vaccinazione (link al video)
  • Registrazione dell’evento di Roma (link al video)