+39 333 4398196 siica.amministrazione@siica.it

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15th SIICA Congress

SIICA SoI 2025

3-6 March 2025

See the program

Who is SIICA?

La SIICA ha lo scopo di promuovere e coordinare studi e ricerche condotti in Italia nel campo della Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia, di integrare la propria attività con quella di analoghe associazioni o società scientifiche italiane e straniere e di divulgare fra i cultori di scienze mediche e biologiche le conoscenze relative al proprio campo di studio (Statuto, Art. 2).

Aims of the SIICA are to promote and coordinate studies and research carried out in Italy in the field of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology, to integrate its activities with those of similar Italian and foreign scientific societies and disseminate among the medical and biological sciences students, and experts, the knowledge related to their field of study (Statute, art. 2).

Become a SIICA Member

Italian or foreign scientists with interests in Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology and belonging to organizations or associations interested in these subjects are eligible to join the Association as SIICA members.

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PhD Retreat

The International retreat is a social event designed to bring together PhD students of different immunological institutes. Besides representing an occasion for PhD students to exchange their knowledge and experience, the scientific and social program ensures an important networking opportunity.

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School of Immunology

The SIICA organizes a School of Immunology dedicated to PhD students and PostDocs involved in immunological research projects.

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Latest News, Events and Meetings

[ITA] Corriere della SIICA n.10

Care immunologhe e cari immunologi, Bentrovate/i. Ci siamo lasciati nel precedente numero con un importante...
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18th ENII EFIS EJI Immunology Summer School Sardinia 2025

ENII (European Network of Immunology Institutes) together with EFIS and EJI are pleased to announce the...
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Masterclass in Gastrointestinal Immunology

The Masterclass GI Immunology Master Class: from pathogenesis to clinical management of EGID, Celiac Disease...
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