The SIICA Mentoring Program for Postdocs aims to support post-doctoral researchers in facing the challenges of their career paths by providing personalized mentoring.
The SIICA Mentoring Program for Postdocs will offer an empowering environment for the professional growth of Postdoctoral Researchers and could provide concrete help in dealing with uncertainties, challenges and failures that are part of our everyday professional life.
The SIICA Mentoring Program for Postdocs 2025 will be open to 12 mentees.
Why should you apply for the SIICA Mentoring Program for Postdocs?
Check how the program helped Gianluca to face his challenges in a new working environment and get support to unleash his potential.
Ready to take the leap? Apply! Limited spots still available.
Shift Your Perspective with the SIICA Mentoring Program for Postdoc!
Check how Federica’s vision of scientific life evolved during the program.
Are you ready to extend your view on science and build your own professional path? Apply! There are still a few spots available
Deadline Oct 31!
The Power of Mentorship: SIICA Mentoring Program for Postdoc
Great minds grow together. Check how personalized support empowered Gianluca in his career path.
Share your thoughts. Save time for self-reflection. Make your step forward. Apply! There are still a few spots available
Deadline Oct 31!
Experience professional empathy and find solutions: SIICA Mentoring Program for Postdoc
Breakthroughs happen when peers push boundaries together. Check how Federica shared her experience, collected suggestions and solved problems.
Listening, learning and sharing. How can you be of help? How can you get some help? Apply! Limited spots available.
Deadline Oct 31!
Eligibility criteria
How to apply
The call opens on July 15th, 2024 and closes on October 31 2024.
Postdoctoral fellow at San Raffaele -Telethon Institute for GEne Therapy, Milan
Research interest: cancer immunology, hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells biology, leukemogenesis
Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – Bethesda (US)
Research interests: Genomic regulation of T cell response and neuro-immune crosstalk in autoimmune disorders
Mentor: Diletta Di Mitri, Humanitas, Milan (IT)
PostDoc at Max Delbrück Center – Berlin
Research interests: cancer immunology and CAR T cell development
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Daniela Latorre – ETH, Zürich
PhD candidate at University of Siena (Italy)
My research interests are: Antimicrobial resistance, host-pathogen interactions, immunotherapies against multidrug-resistant bacteria.
Mentor: Cristina Cassetti, PhD – DMID Deputy Director, NIAID, NIH (USA)
Postdoc at the Department of Translational Medicine and Surgery, Università Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore – Rome.
Research interests: mechanisms of tumor-host co-evolution, acquired-resistance and immune-
evasion induced by Type I Interferons.
Mentor: Prof. Vincenzo Corbo, University of Verona.
Research interests: regulation of the adaptive immune response, B cells, inflammation and tumor immunology
Postdoctoral researcher in Prof Duncan Odom´s Lab at DKFZ-Heidelberg (Germany)
Research Interests: Sex-bias Immuno phenotype, Aging, X-chromosome, System immunology
Mentor: Prof. Francesca Granucci (University of Milano Bicocca)
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow in Senescence in Stem Cell Ageing, Differentiation and Cancer Unit at San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Milan
Research Interest: Therapy induced Senescence, Antigenicity and Immunotherapy in blood cancers
Mentor: Prof Teresa Zelante, Perugia University
Assistant professor of Pathology at the Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences, University of Milano-Bicocca.
Research interests: Cancer and viral immunology.
Mentor: Prof. Florent Ginhoux, Gustave Roussy Institute (Paris).
PostDoc at Cochin Institute, Paris (France)
Research interests: T cell motility & anti-tumor response
Mentor: Prof. Giuseppe Lupo, Sapienza University
Research Scholar at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), USA.
Research interests: NK/ILC, cancer immunology, cytokine signalling and regulation of immune responses
Mentor: Prof. Ivan Zanoni, Harvard Medical School (USA).
Post Doc fellow at Mucosal Immunology lab, University of Milano-Bicocca
Research interests: crosstalk between immune cells and the microbiota using transcriptomic approaches
Mentor: Prof. Teresa Zelante, Perugia University
PostDoc in Francesco Ferrari’s Lab in IFOM (Milan, Italy).
Research interests: genomics and epigenetic regulation of cell identity.
Mentor: Prof. Valentina Bollati (University of Milan)
Postdoc at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) -Genova
Research interests: ALS, RNA-binding protein and aptamers
Mentor: Chiara Lanzuolo, Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare (INGM)
Project manager and Clinical Study Coordinator,
Thoracic Surgery Department Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli (Rome)
Research interests: predictive models for lung cancer patients, using various omics-based variables with clinical factors and advanced imaging features
Mentor: Prof. Roberta Zappasodi, Cornell University (USA)
Postdoctoral Researcher at Humanitas, Rozzano, Italy
Research interests: cancer-related inflammation, immune checkpoints, IL-1R family
Mentor: Raffaella Di Micco, Tiget, Milan
PostDoc in Mucosal Immunology, University of Milano-Bicocca and Policlinico di Milano Ospedale Maggiore-IRCCS Ca’ Granda
Research interests: Interactions between the immune system and the microbiota in gastrointestinal cancers and in inflammatory diseases.
Mentor: MD. Prof. Manuela Raffatellu, University of California San Diego (UCSD, USA)