+39 333 4398196 siica.amministrazione@siica.it

School of Immunology

The Virtual School of Immunology 2025

The Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA) is glad to announce the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology (SoI) 2025 for undergraduate, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and MD post-graduate students. The SoI 2025 offers high quality live streaming webinars and interactive sessions that will take place every afternoon for 4 days.

Registration fee is 30€ and a copy of the receipt must be uploaded in the registration form.

Not sure you are well prepared for the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2025? No worries! An anonymous questionnaire will help to assess your preparation and an optional On-demand Basic School of Immunology comprising a series of preparatory basic immunology lectures will be offered to all participants attending the Virtual Advanced SoI 2025.



to the SIICA SoI 2025!

The Virtual School of Immunology 2024

The Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA) is glad to announce the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2024 for undergraduate, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and MD post-graduate students.

The Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2024 offers high quality live streaming webinars and interactive sessions that will take place every afternoon for 1 week.

Registration fee is 30€ and a copy of the receipt must be uploaded in the registration form.

Not sure you are well prepared for the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2024? No worries! An anonymous questionnaire will help to assess your preparation and an optional On-demand Basic School of Immunology comprising a series of preparatory basic immunology lectures will be offered to all participants attending the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2024. Lectures will be long-lasting available for consultation on the YouTube channel of the SIICA.

Full program (PDF)


The Virtual School of Immunology 2023

The Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA) is glad to announce the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2023 for undergraduate and PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and MD post-graduate students.

The Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2023 offers high quality live streaming webinars and interactive sessions that will take place every afternoon for 1 week.

Registration fee is 30€ and a copy of the receipt must be uploaded in the registration form.

Not sure you are well prepared for the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2023? No worries! An anonymous questionnaire will help to assess your preparation and an optional On demand Basic School of Immunology comprising a series of preparatory basic immunology lectures will be offered to all participants attending the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2023. Lectures will be long-lasting available for consultation on the SIICA YouTube channel.

The last day of the School Julia Baumeister (from Scienza Berlin) will talk about presentation skills and audience engagement during a speech.

Program (PDF)



The Virtual School of Immunology 2022

The Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA) is glad to announce the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2022 for PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and MD postgraduate students. The Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2022 offers free of costs, high quality live streaming webinars and interactive sessions that will take place every afternoon for 1 week. Not sure you are well prepared for the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2022? No worries! An anonymous questionnaire will help to assess your preparation and an optional Ondemand Basic School of Immunology comprising a series of preparatory basic immunology lectures will be offered to all participants attending the Virtual Advanced School of Immunology 2022. Lectures will be long-lasting available for consultation on the YouTube channel of the SIICA.

Program (PDF)


The SIICA School of Immunology 2020

Task assignment collection (PDF)


The Società Italiana di Immunologia Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA) organizes a School of Immunology for PhD students. The School will take place on July 20-22 at Villa pace in Messina.

The School is organized in two courses running in parallel: the Fundaments of immunology course will provide a solid background on immunology key topics to Phd Students involved in immunology-related research projects, going beyond the background knowledge (Master) level; the Advances in immunology course is intended for students with an already established background in immunology and will discuss emerging themes in immunology with the final aim to provide the students with an integrated view of key elements of the immune system and its complexity. Each course is based on in 10 lessons, delivered in English (see enclosed program). Students will also enjoy common activities, including keynote lectures and other opportunities to deeply interact with th Faculty, as well as ludic activities (The immunology championship) and social events.

The registration fee is € 180 and includes accommodation for 2 nights at Hotel Royal Palace (via Cannizzaro 3, Messina) and food (breakfasts, lunches, social dinner). Round travels between the course site and Messina downtown are also offered. Till the end of June thanks to an agreement with OIC/Italo, SIICA can also offer train tickets with a 40% discount rate on tickets issued in FIRST CLASS fair to “FLEXI” adults. Tickets can be refunded before the departure of the train (with 20% cancellation fee) and can be modified on the same route without limits and free before the train’s departure purchased. To take advantage of this, tickets must be purchased by credit card through OIC Travel (Viale Matteotti 7, 50121 Firenze; Tel. 055 5035210; oictravel@oic.it; www.oic.it).

Locandina (PDF)

Programma (PDF)


The Società Italiana di Immunologia Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA) organizes a School of Immunology for PhD students. The School will take place in Bari on May 26-28th at Campus X in Bari (via Giovanni Amendola 184; http://www.campusx.it/bari/). Registration fee is € 150 and includes accommodation (at Campus X; 2 nights in double bedded room) and food (breakfasts, lunch, social dinner). Round travel by bus to Bari downtown are also offered. Thanks to an agreement with OIC/Italo, SIICA can also offer train tickets with a 40% discount rate on tickets issued in FIRST CLASS fair to “FLEXI” adults. Tickets can be refunded before the departure of the train (with 20% cancellation fee) and can be modified on the same route without limits and free before the train’s departure purchased. To take advantage of this, tickets must be purchased by credit card through OIC Travel (Viale Matteotti 7, 50121 Firenze; Tel. 055 5035210; oictravel@oic.it; www.oic.it).

The School is organized in two classes running in parallel of 50 students each (basic and advanced course). Each course is based on in 10 lessons, delivered in English, intended to offer a didactic approach to key topics in immunology going beyond the background knowledge (Master) level. The focus of each lesson will be on emerging themes in each specific field, with the final aim to provide the student with an integrated view of key elements of the immune system and its complexity.


1. Cells of innate immunity (Marco Cassatella; University of Verona)
2. Leukocyte recruitment (Ruggero Pardi; San Raffaele University)
3. Receptors for pathogens (Francesca Granucci; University Milano Bicocca)
4. The complement system (Francesco Tedesco; University of Trieste)
5. Antigen processing and presentation (Guido Ferlazzo, University of Messina)
6. Thymic lymphocyte differentiation (Oreste Acuto, University of Oxford)
7. Effector T cell and polarization (Francesco Annunziato; University of Firenze)
8. B development and maturation (Roberto Sitia; San Raffaele University)
9. Humoral immunity (Andreas Radbruch, University of Berlin)
10. Immunologic memory (Francesca Di Rosa; University Roma La Sapienza)


1. Immunity to pathogens (Francesco Dieli; University of Palermo)
2. Mucosal immunology (Carlo Pucillo; University of Udine)
3. Immune tolerance (Luciano Adorini; Intercept Pharma)
4. Immunodeficiencies (Anna Villa, CNR)
5. Tumor immunology (Angela Santoni; University Roma La Sapienza)
6. Autoimmunity (Vincenzo Barnaba; University Roma La Sapienza)
7. Allergic disorders (Winfried Pickl, University of Vienna)
8. Humanized mice (James Di Santo, Institute Pasteur)
9. Immonotherapeutics (Carlo Riccardi; University of Perugia)
10. Vaccine development (Giuseppe Pantaleo, San Raffaele University)

Keynote lecture: A prospective view on immunology (Alberto Mantovani; Humanitas University).

Registration deadline is April 10th, 2017. Applications received at later time point will be accepted only if seats will be available. To register please use the enclosed form.

Students are offered the possibility to participate to the SIICA XI National Congress, which will take place in Bari on the following days (May 28th-31st; http://www.siica2017.org/node/11 ) at the special fee of € 50,00. Students attending the SIICA congress have the option to extend their stay at Campus X.

For additional information contact the SIICA secretary (siica.amministrazione@siica.it; 333 4398196).

Program (PDF)